Sunday, May 1, 2011

Everything But the Kitchen Sink

This has been a calm and peaceful weekend.  I even had some fun.  I invited a diabetic friend of over 30 years and her husband over for supper.  She is non compliant too.  We ate dinner and then watch a very old very bad movie which totally cracked everyone up.  It was from the early 40s and so bad that it was good

I tried an experiment this weekend.  I let H eat what ever he wants without out saying a word and without trying to stop him.  He ate and ate all weekend.  Would you believe he ate the following: butter crunch ice cream with sprinkles, Dots, potato chips and dip, string cheese, swiss cheese, .american cheese, cottage cheese, a whole package worth of rice pilaf, half a roast beef, regular soda, orange juice by the 8 oz cup, apple juice, bread, apple pie, chocolate chip cookies, hot dogs and fries, three huge tomatoes and all of  the meals that I served him.

I will fight him no more over food.  If he wants to eat himself to death, I can not stop him.  This is how he eats even if I try to stop him, the only difference is that if I try to stop him, he becomes nasty, rages and still eats what he wants.

I surrender.  I can no longer fight the food battle of the diabetic wars.


  1. I can't imagine watching this. I was grossed out and lost my appetite when my DH ate 5 servings of potato salad!


  2. You are right, though. He WILL eat what he wants, no matter what you say! I refuse to bring junk into the house anymore, and then hubby goes and buys it on his way back from doctor's appointments when he drives himself. However, he is not driving as much, so there has been somewhat less crap in the house. But it is very hard to watch when they load up on garbage. I agree, though: most of the time, not worth the fight that happens if you try to intervene!

  3. By the way, GOOD FOR YOU that you had some fun! You totally deserve it.


  4. Glad you got to enjoy yourself
    You certainly are due
    I can't imagine watching that type of gorging
    it would ruin my appetite
    in my household, its the opposite problem
    Tom is more likely to starve himself
    and die of low sugar
    I happened to see him the other day naked
    (actually doesn't happen often anymore)
    He has gotten so skinny that his bones are sticking out like one of those starving kids you see in those commercials
    ok, I'm exaggerating
    but he is way too skinny
    and he keeps eating less and less
    its an odd world

  5. When I write my book, the title is going to be, "Death by Chocolate"

    I completely understand.
