Sunday, May 15, 2011

He Doesn't Have a Clue

H today drank Coke, not diet but sugar laden despite the fact he had me go out and buy him diet.  I caught him in the act and he had no response other then, yeah I drank it. He also ate a number of Mounds bars loaded with chocolate, coconut and sugar.  Lunch was tons of pasta and he wanted the same for supper.  he was none to pleased with the turkey I served him.

He continues to gorge himself and eats huge amounts of food.  he goes through pounds of tomatoes, drowns everything in ketchup and eats tons of cheese.  He just doesn't get it.  It is almost like an addiction. 

It has been a fairly quiet weekend, one rage today about a tenant who I am evicting.  I think by not fighting him on the diet front, I have removed some fuel from the fire.

I left over $200 at the pharmacy for his medications yesterday.  He was terribly depressed by that and kept saying he would skip medications.  I kept telling him that was not appropriate and that 6 months from now he would get medicare and we would survive.  Cash flow has been terrible but we still have assets to liquidate if need be.

1 comment:

  1. Good that he will be eligible for Medicare in the next 6 months. Sounds like that will be none too soon! Sounds as if he will continue to do what he wants to do. We can't MAKE our hubbies take care of themselves if they really don't want to . . .
    Take care and hang in there,
