Monday, May 2, 2011

Diabetes Now Affects Credit

H's car lease expires in 4 months.  It is time to start thinking about trading.  Went to a dealer and cut a deal for a new car at a much lower payment, or so we thought,  They pulled his credit and now the medical bills are causing it to fall by over a hundred points.  No lease, higher interest payments or pay cash that I do not want to part with. 

We are falling into a hole with no way out.

Poverty here we come.


  1. Totally unfair Lilly and frankly I am no better off since our finances are so intertwined after 40 years. I am also very fearful of incurring debt or parting with cash but with a lease being done we are stuck with either paying off the car and buying a now old car or getting another car. .I can not see giving up a car at this point since I would totally be stuck. I need to escape and work

  2. You posted D's lease. Do you have to have two cars? Going to one saves on the monthly payments and insurance.

    In the past I thought you wrote D didn't/couldn't work and you worked out of your condo. If this is the case, are there many times when you each have to use a car and be in different places at the same time?

    Many people have been forced to cut back to one car. It's not ideal by any means, but aleveing the stress of elevated cost may be worth it.


  3. I have had my own car since age 16. There is no way in hell that I am giving it up. I need it for my work. He is not good at sharing as I have seen when a car is in the shop. I do not also want to be stuck without a car without public transit.

  4. I understand your unwillingness to give up your own car. You have already given up so much! Just one more way of being "trapped." Would it just be easier for hubby to purchase the car he leased, especially if he is not driving that much anyway?

  5. The buy out on the lease is more than the cost of a brand new car. It makes no sense to buy it out. Furthermore, he no longer likes the car.

    The trapped factor comes into play again. I keep fighting for freedom. Losing my own car would be yet more control over me by him.
