Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dog Days of Spring

I sometimes think he cares more and worries more about our dog than his own health.  He can obsess over the dog's food, bed, trips to the vet and whether his shots are up to date.  Yet, he does not follow his diet, test often enough and take all his meds?  do you think I should get the vet involved in H's care.  He seems to listen to the vet more than his endocrinologist.


  1. Wow, sounds like your hubby and mine would get along perfectly! Maybe getting the vets involved with their care would improve things. Ha!

  2. AGREED! what is it about their involvement with the dog? Tom gets mad at me when he perceives that I have not done enough to take care of the dog? when he is home, he walks the dog every 2 hours -- the dog has a screened-in porch and a huge fenced in yard with water and food at her disposal. she doesn't want to come inside in what I consider bad weather. Does he worry about me like that? NOOOO! Geesh! I never thought of asking the vet for advice for him. what a great idea.......

  3. I thought H was the only dog nut like this. It seems to be another trait of the uncontrolled diabetic. H does not worry about me like he does about the dog. He is so indulgent that the dog knows who is in charge and walks all over us. H thinks nothing of it and thinks it funny that the mutt who weighs 60 lbs thinks he is a lap dog. If H can avoid it, I am the one elected to take care of the dog. Fortunately, I am a dog lover but H goes to the extreme.

    I think that since the medical establishment is so useless to we wives, vets might be a better choice since with every pet comes a human and the vets treat dog owners better than the MDs treat wives of diabetics.
