Thursday, May 12, 2011

Food stops the Rage?

This seems strange but I have seen a connection between rage and food.  If he is eating whatever he wants when ever he wants he seems to have less rage.  He has no control over his food intake.  Today it was Coke with sugar.  He asked that I buy one for him this morning while I was out doing errands.  I didn't say a word but deliberately  forgot.  He went out and got one and thought nothing of drinking it.

Today he was upset that there was no clean place setting knike for his lunch.  I forgot to tern on the dishwasher.  yet he refused to use a steak knife and got very anxious when I offered one to him. 

He had a fit over a dental bill and despite being in pain wanted to skip the dentist. I sent him off despite his anger. Let him work it out with the dentist.  I can do nothing about it and told him so.  


  1. I would have "forgotten" the Coke too. What the heck was he thinking? That is like drinking liquid sugar. We keep some regular soda around, but it is for getting hubby out of a low in a hurry. Otherwise, it just sits there. My hubby gets into other things though, such as cookies and chips. I have given up trying to limit the crap that he eats, but I seldom bring it into the house. And yes, he will go buy it himself! But then, we often have to pick our battles. Is it really worth the fight?
    Hang in there,

  2. I have decided to not buy the crap for him but I will not fight him if he buys it for himself or makes poor food choices. It is not worth the wars and he seems somewhat calmer.

  3. Yup, enough said! It's not worth the fight for me either, as he is going to eat it anyway.
