Monday, April 25, 2011

Baby Sitting

I am now back where I was in high school, baby sitting.  My grandchild needed care today when his parents were at work and the sitter canceled.  So I left at 6 am to baby sit.  It feels great to get away from the house of horrors. 

I took my laptop and will get my work done when the baby sleeps.  I fed him, changed him and he is now asleep next to me.  I am enjoying the peace and quiet.

H called yelling that I had taken his keys.  I calmly told him to look in his jacket  pocket where he had left them yesterday.  I need a photographic memory to keep track of every item he may demand in an instant.  He always loses things and it is always my fault. 

Taking care of an infant is so much easier and more hopeful than taking care of a non compliant diabetic.  Babies cry and fuss but a simple solution is changing and feeding them.  They love to cuddle and respond to love.  There is hope and a future.  They grow and progress. 

Upon reflection, the opposite holds true for the non compliant  diabetic.  They scream and yell and you can not placate them.  The do not grow and progress, they regress.  They return your love and care with rage.  Often, it seems like there is no hope and they regress.  H sure has. 

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