Friday, June 24, 2011

The Facts of Life

As i see it, the following are the facts of life for the wife of a non compliant diabetic:

1.  It is not going to get better. It is only going to get worse.
 2. he is going to get sicker.
  3.  He will be able to do less and less
4.He is not going to wake up one morning and be "nice".
5.   He will never be what he used to be
6.  He will take and not give.
7.  Your relationship with him will evolve from wife to care giver,\ You can not recall the last time you were intimate with him.
8.  This can go on for years.
9.  You may very well die first from stress related illness caused by care giving..
10.  This illness may impoverish you.
11.  You will be subject to possible verbal abuse from his diabetic rages
12. You will lose most not all of your social life.
13. Your world will diminish to the point where you may be trapped at home with no escape.
14.  He will be so self involved that he will just ignore your desires or rage at them.
15.  You may find your home a hostile environment.  I do.  You may lose the home you love.  I did.
16.  Your livilihood and your career may be adversely affected.  Mine was.

I wish I had done something years ago when I was younger, richer and stronger.  I never saw it getting this bad.  As a point in fact.  He raged this morning because I put the dog in his crate so that I did not have to battle the dog to eat my breakfast in peace.   He cares more about the dog than me.


1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful that I stumbled across your posts, Sister! You articulate the rage I feel so clearly and so passionately, it's like I feel understood before I even have to say anything.

    Thank you for being so "out there." I can't tell you how much I appreciate your candor!
