Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Back From Medical Wonderland

We went to H's doc at a world renowned teaching hospital.  He has aspirated the contents of his stomach due to the GERD caused by his gastroparesis.  He is on heavy duty antibotics for that and had xrays to see if it has caused pneumonia.  His doc heard a lot in his lungs so is treating it as such.  Multi blood tests today and an endoscopy next week since she thinks he has developed an ulcer.  I spilled the beans and told her just what he has been doing or not doing.  She has increased his meds and he will come back to see her in 2 weeks. 

She has told him that we need to get a new bed and elevate his head with cinder blocks under the bed and this will be forever.  Diabetes now will control our bedroom decor forever too. 


  1. there has to be a limit to how far a wife can go to protect a lying, sick husband...

  2. Oh gosh...I hadn't really thought about it but our bedroom decor is definitely ruled by diabetes! Twin adjustable beds, hospital type trays, huge first aid kit, party fridge I his closet for the insulin and snacks, medical pharmacy in the bathroom... I just redid everything in plain white...looks just like a hospital! LOL!! But bleach can get anything out of white and no one will ever know. Good thing I love white!!
