Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The day After the Night Before

I was up with him a good portion of last night, but he does seem somewhat better this morning.  He is still fighting the meds and taking less than he should.  All night, he kept complaining that it was "serious" and that he was in pain yet refused the pain meds.  He has taken the antibioticand cough syrup  and the cough seems better.


  1. you are either crazy or a saint
    if Tom complained like that but didn't take his meds
    I would leave him alone to deal with it
    I would sleep in another room or go to my sister's or a hotel or something
    no acceptable.....

  2. Why do they pull stuff like this? My DH will not take pain meds unless he is in extremis, and even then, it's a battle.

    For years, he has blamed his overeating on his inability to get anything resembling a normal night's sleep. I complained for years about his sleep apnea (it kept ME awake) but he wouldn't listen until he had foot surgery under local anesthesia, and the foot doctor told me after surgery that "Your husband has the worst case of sleep apnea I've ever heard! I'm referring him to the Sleep Disorder Clinic!" They put him on a CPAP machine, but he still doesn't sleep well.

    He absolutely refuses to consider asking for any kind of prescription sleep meds, but continues to complain about being tired all the time.

    What is the point of complaining about being miserable, but refusing to do anything about it? I'm just the opposite - such a wimp - if something hurts, I either pop a pill or take time to meditate (which, amazingly, can get rid of pain.)

  3. H has sleep apnea too. CPAP which he hates and refuses to use. He went to the sleep clinic first over 15 years ago.
