Friday, September 16, 2011

Still More Tests

The ultra sound found an abnormality in his parathyroid.  He freaked.  I was at a seminar when he had the ultrasound.  He was not pleased that I was not there.  Too bad.  Scan scheduled for next week.  Four hours long.  I would love to dodge it, but no such luck it seems.  He is terrified.  I just want to get this over and the sooner the better.  I need to work and move.  He is sick, has been sick for years and unfortunately will never be young and well again.  The surgery may help some, but will never be the complete fix for all that ails him.

Sad as it is to say, after all these years, my feelings have changed and I am determined not to be sucked into his world.  I have planned my escape and it is working.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, please.


  1. I totally understand your reluctance to be at every appointment with him. I have gotten an overdose of hospitals the last several years, so avoid it too when I can. And I am keeping my fingers crossed for you . . .

  2. Tom has never wanted me to go with him - except when he had surgery. Then again he has never been as sick as your husband.

    At first I felt left out. Now I am grateful. we will see how it goes as he gets older....

    good luck.
