Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Caught in the Middle

I got a call yesterday from my Mom's assisted living that they were shipping her to the hospital with several problems and that she had gone down hill fast the last couple of days.  H went bonkers that I might leave for the hospital prior to giving him his dinner and shot.  I gave them to him and he went to bed at about 6:30.  He went crazy that I was going to the hospital.  I went despite him.  I tipped of the staff about what I had going on at home and left the hospital  in time for his "bedtime" shot or should I say later night shot.  What a way to live caught in the middle,  Not only do I get no support or comfort from him, his behavior just makes things more stressful and harder for me.


  1. Pretty selfish and unfair of him to expect you to be there every single minute when your mother is going downhill. How hard this must be for you.

    In your shoes, I would have to choose my mother over him, and let someone else give him his shots for awhile. I know that's easy for me to say, as I am not dealing with the same issues as you are. Take care of yourself through this incredibly tough time.


  2. Mom has stabilized and should be going to rehab in a day or two to strengthen her. He now is saying if I can stabilize financially things we ought to move into a house of our own again. I have work and am renting out properties in which I had to evict tenants.

  3. Bless your heart, I am so sorry to hear that you are caught in the middle!

    I am in a similar situation, only the generation issue runs in a different direction. My 35-year-old son has a generally terminal kidney disease - my father died of it at 42. My boy is under the care of a very competent kidney doctor. Sooner or later, those kidneys will fail and then it will be dialysis and/or transplant time.

    Given that my son is married, his wife is a little ditzy, they have an adorable little girl and MAYBE another little genetic time bomb on the way, I don't dare leave the state. I am the only one around here who has lived with this disease and knows anything about it. I'm not sure that my DIL fully understands that her husband may not be able to provide for them in another 5 to 7 years, depending on how things go. She clearly does not see herself in the wage-earner role, which scares me. My boy may be able to work, but again, he may not; it differs.

    My DH wants desperately to move to another part of the country, but I feel that I am caught here by blood ties. I have to be here for my boy if he needs me, and if my grandchild/ren need me. They are my only blood kin now, aside from their father, and I can't leave any of them.

    It's very difficult, being caught in the middle. My sympathy to you!
