Thursday, January 19, 2012

Diabetic Madness

I feel like he is losing his mind.  He seems to have some cognitive defects now that are becoming more evident.  He has a doctorate but can not work or function normally.  He refuses or is unable to do simple tasks like some simple book keeping.  He is nasty and his anger is directed at me.  He blames me for everything.
Anything that goes wrong he says is my fault.  he demands that I listen to him endlessly when all he does is repeat and repeat himself.  I on the other hand am supposed to say nothing about how unhappy this situation has made me.  I can not mourn the loss of so much.  If I say anything he complains that i am depressed and tries to silence me by raging.  I will not longer put up with this and have told him so. and the life of living with an invalid who is old before his time.

He does not work, has earned nothing in years and has cost us so much.  To be honest, I regret being stuck where I am now with no  hope in sight of financial recovery.  On top of that, there is the day to day of dealing with his nasty self,  living with a invalid who is so dependent and takes the joy out of life.  he is like someone in their 80s frail and getting sicker.  Multiple doctors' visits with no good outcome.  He is in pain yet refuses the medication.  He will not follow his diet or lose weight yet insists he does and has.  What denial.  I feel badly that he is suffering.  he needs relief.  So do I, I need peace and something back from this relationship other than criticism.  I give - he still refuses to inject himself- he takes and then tells me that I am the cause of all his problems.  That is so sick.

He is frightening to drive with.  I drive.  he now wants me to drive always.  he is is more and more dependent yet tries to control at the same time.


  1. What can any of us say? How do we help? You have our support. You are in a very tough situation with no easy answers. Somehow there must be a way to find peace. I hope you can find it.

  2. Hi. I would like to send you a private message, because there are some questions which only person in your situation can clear for me. How can I contact you? Let me know, please and thank you. :)

  3. He has brother, also diabetic with advanced Parkinson's and dementia. am afraid he may be heading in the same direction.
