Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Numbers game

His A1C was 7.4 despite a 320 at the doctor's office after a glutton's mega carb breakfast.  I refuse to be the food police despite huge lectures by his gastro and a demand by her for a food log whicch her refuses to keep and I refuse to do for him.

He is in constant pain and I truly feel bad about it.  yet, he will not help himself through diet and exercise.  I doo all the driving.  he is too sick.  He gets furious if I park too far away from somewhere.

He has spent the entire weekend lying down.  It is now like being married to a 90 year old rather than an 80 year old.


  1. Agree, its not your job.
    Didn't realize he was 80
    Maybe he wants to eat himself to death?

  2. He is only 65 But he acts 90 now not 80 any longer. Long weekend multiple doctor calls with 2 new medications and 100 co pay at drug store.
