Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Spoke too Soon

H is getting sicker again.  His endo called today telling him his parathyroid is out of kilter and he will need surgery.  H freaked.  Rage  returned and now the peace is broken.  H bowel issues are starting again yuck.


  1. Oh, no - for BOTH of you. Fingers being crossed from The Great Southwest area. Hope all goes well.

  2. Raging,
    you and your husband really need help
    I recognize that it is not wise to just outright give advice -- but I can't hold it back any longer

    it doesn't matter how much he argues
    or "rages"

    you cannot keep doing this alone
    Consider, if this were a parent or a child, wouldn't you have accepted help?
    wouldn't you have recognized that this problem is larger than you can handle?
    It is not a bad reflection on you
    and your husband is ill
    its not the fault of either of you
    it just is
    get help

  3. The help is there. he was at the hospital twice this week and they have determined that he has multiple medical problems and requires surgery for parathyroid which causes the behavioral issues. Parathyroid is often overlooked in diabetics and requires an endo who specializes in it. H has a second endo whose specialty is nothing else but parathyroid. it causes multiple physical and mental issues and if untreated can lead to death via heart attack or stroke. His is way off. they are doing the work up prior to surgery now.

  4. Please keep us posted. It sounds like a horrible situation for both of you.
    Maybe you have reached that point where things can only get better - at least, one can hope.

    Take care.

  5. The parathyroid specialist called yesterday and is having him go in for one more blood test and a 24 hour urine collection. His gastro symptoms flared and his medication was changed again with a major change in his insulin dosage. The behavior issues improved with better blood sugar control and readjustment of the meds. The doctors are trying to fine tune before the surgery. I have been told the parathyroid issue affects all systems in the body and if untreated can easily lead to heart attach or stroke.
